
优异奖 - 明爱胡振中中学

活动名称 举办日期 花絮相片 内容简介
球类活动日 2021年6月28 日

我系禁毒KOL 2021年2月至6月 课堂以制作健康校园影片为主题,以提升同学禁毒意识。同学在课堂中负责搜寻吸食大麻和可卡因的祸害的资讯,并学习如何制作一段以「健康运动,远离毒品」为主题的短片。学生在这14堂课程当中需要自行构思影片的主题及故事,并编排整个拍摄进程,在最后一堂每组需要展示他们所制作的影片给老师和同学欣赏。


  • I'm so happy that I got the opportunity to make a short film with my friends. I had so much fun and gained a lot of knowledge about video shooting and how to give presentations/talk. I hope our film can help youngsters to stop taking drugs.

  • The sports competition day ended successfully. Everyone had a great time and I understood the health conscious message of “Participate in Sports, Stay Away from Drugs” through the activities. I hope everyone can continue to enjoy sports and keep in mind the importance of a healthy life.