• Effective ways to dispel misunderstandings about psychotropic substances in youth at risk for drug abuse problems (2011)

    Researcher: Dr. Cheung Chau Kiu, CityU Professional Services Limited
  • A study on drug related death cases in Hong Kong (2001)

    Researcher: Dr. Thomas Chan and Professor Critchley, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Assessment and audience utilization of Hong Kong anti-drug APIs (2000)

    Researcher: Ms. Wendy Wong, Hong Kong Baptist University
  • A study to look into the risk and protective factors for drug related deaths in Hong Kong (2000)

    Researcher: Dr. Dominic Lee and Dr. Lau Tai-shing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • A survey to solicit the opinion of secondary school students on the anti-drug activities (1999)

    Researcher: Narcotics Division
  • A study to identify the risk and protective factors on drug use among the youngsters (1998)

    Researcher: Hong Kong Council of Social Service(HKCSS)
  • An evaluation of the impacts of anti-drug messages presented at school talks (1996)

    Researcher: Dr. Jeffrey Day, The University of Hong Kong